This is just a quick post on my recent purchase of Collection Does it All mascara.
As I have mentioned in a previous post, I am off travelling soon and therefore wanted to buy some cheaper makeup products, incase I loose anything etc.
I normally wear No.7 Expectional Definition; Black £13.50 Or Benefit BAD gal lash; Black £16.00. Therefore I wanted to get a good mascara that was under £10.

So I popped into Boots (I love collecting points in Boots and always treat myself to something a little expensive when I have enough points) and had a scan of the Maybelline section and then moved onto the Collections section where I spotted the Does it all Mascara. Collections states that this mascara has a
five way formula; curling, volumizing, lengthening, long-wearing and conditioning. I really like the brush also as it is similar to the No.7 mascara and allows you to apply mascara evenly across your eye lashes aswell as giving them a great length.
The only issue I have with the Collection mascara is that it is hard to get off with just my normal make up remover with is a little annoying as I don't want to take a load of facial products with me.
So bloggers if you're looking for a cheaper make up product then check out this Collection mascara!
Peace and Love
G x
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