So what's all this hype?
In the beauty blogger world Maybelline; Baby Lips has been the talk of the town.
Maybelline- Baby Lips is a moisturising lip balm with SPF 20 which supposedly keeps your lips moisturised for 8 hours. Over the past week or two I have read a load of reviews from other bloggers about this Maybelline product that has come over from America.
I recently read one particular review of the product by the lovely Nuala from dolleduplondon.com and that's what gave me the final urge to go out and get one of these Baby Lips, lip balms. So into Boots I went, I already had an idea that I only wanted to get one as Nuala had pointed out that although they are good, there is no need to get all 6 variants that Maybelline have to offer.

These are....
-Pink Punch,
-Peach Kiss,
-Grape Vine,
-Cherry Me,
Peppermint and Quenched are clear lip balms whereas all of the rest have a slight coloured tint to them.
In my local Boots all of the colours available so it was up to me to take my pick on which one and being £2.99 they are pretty cheap and definitely worth a try. I chose 'Cherry Me' which has a Cherry coloured tint to it- how ironic! I always love to have some colour on my lips and I'm really into my cherries and raspberry colours at the moment so it was the perfect option. As soon as I put it on my lips I could feel the moisture, although if you apply too many layers your lips can feel a little greasy.
Baby Lips is the perfect solution for when you are at work or if you are in a situation where you can't re apply lippy for a while. This is perfect for me when I am at work as I never get time to re apply my lippy and I always end with a horrible line around my lips by the time it is lunch, but with Baby Lips and its ability to keep my lips moistured for hours on end this won't happen!
Baby Lips is the perfect solution for when you are at work or if you are in a situation where you can't re apply lippy for a while. This is perfect for me when I am at work as I never get time to re apply my lippy and I always end with a horrible line around my lips by the time it is lunch, but with Baby Lips and its ability to keep my lips moistured for hours on end this won't happen!

Peace and Love
G. x
I've really wanted to try these! Think I will pick up cherry me and peppermint :) lovely review! X